Super Simple Crochet Ice Pop Holders


If you have children and you let them have those little flavor ice pops or you freeze yogurt sticks for them, then this is the thing for you! These are soooooo easy to make if you have a basic knowledge of crochet. School ended for my children on Friday and as a little end of year gift for my daughter’s preschool classmates, I put these little treats together and attached a card with our contact information in case anyone wanted to set up a playdate during the summer break.

I never would have thought to make these, but my husband actually requested them (and then kept gently “reminding” me) so that the kids would stop wasting paper towels 🙂

Ok, so here’s where I learned from my mistakes. On all of the holders that I made for her class, I left about a 10 inch length of yarn in the beginning which I used to sew the bottom of the holder when I finished crocheting. You can choose to do this too, but what we discovered after she used hers for the first time is that it probably would have been better if I had left the bottom open. That way, as she pushed the ice pop up, she didn’t have to take it out and fold over the plastic; she could have just slid it up as needed. Like I said, you learn from your mistakes 🙂 Sorry to all of her classmates who are finding this out!


After many requests and orders, I decided to add this super simple pattern to my etsy shop for a very reasonable $0.99. Since this post, I have made dozens more of these. They are great for summer birthday parties too! Here it is and you can see in the listing how nice they are in cotton yarn as well.

Happy crocheting!