National Crochet Month?!?

Hat and scarf 1 wmOkay, so sadly, I had no idea that March was National Crochet Month. But not to worry, I have been crocheting my little heart out over the last few days and have made several of my new fringe infinity scarves–not only for myself, my daughter and my neighbor, but for my etsy shop too!
Yesterday, my wonderfully talented photographer friend and neighbor took me out for a photo shoot…while I don’t usually like to have my picture taken, she makes it so fun and so easy! Here’s a peek at some of the shots (and, more importantly, some of the scarves).
Enjoy! And if you’d like to purchase one of the scarves shown, please visit my etsy shop

purple scarf 1 wm

Green Scarf 1 wm

scarves 1 wm

maroon scarf 2 wm

blue scarf 2 wm

Awesome Free Tutorial Site!!

I found this wonderful link on Pinterest! Yea!!! So many adorable free patterns/tutorials. I had been trying to figure out what to do with some vintage fabric (yes, really vintage leftover fabric from one of my mom’s old dresses) that was in my stash. This little Snappy Toddler Dress used up the perfect amount and turned out so cute!!! The pattern on the site was for a baby (12-18 months), so I just used the back neckline from the pattern as the front neckline for my 5 1/2 year old and created a new back neckline to fit her. The rest was easy! What do you think???

Next on my list is that adorable Snap Wrap Dress that’s on there…and probably a few more of these tops 🙂 I’m sure I’ll have to adjust a little to accommodate for my daughter’s age/size, but that is a simple fix.

Loooove these simple tops! Thank you Prudent Baby!!!

A Pokemon Party

My son had his 8th birthday party over the weekend. He wanted a Pokemon/Soccer party, so I made the cupcakes (in soccer ball wrappers and decorated them as Poke-balls (at least that’s what I call them…what are those things called?!?)

The little drawstring bags were kind of a last-minute decision and I quickly whipped up the Pokemon themed bags to put their party gifts (a pack of Pokemon cards) in.

I, for one, am all Pokied out, but I think the boys really loved the party so I guess it was worth it 🙂

This is why I do it!

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post that showed these dresses after I had first completed them. While I love the way the dresses turned out (I am definitely going to start making the majority of my pillowcase dresses with the crochet trim), I have to say, this is why I still make them for others. I LOVE seeing the children actually wearing them! A dress can only be so much on a hanger.

I have been told repeatedly that I don’t charge enough for the things that I make. Here’s where I stand on that: I don’t want to charge too much because I want everyone to be able to enjoy them. It’s just me. I’m not paying any employees; I don’t see this business of mine becoming huge (because I’m the only one making things and I can only do so much!). So why not?!  Anyway, just thought I would share this photo. So cute!

Pure Joy!


It seems that every couple of months I have to remind myself of what is really important in this life…in this moment. For now, the most important thing in my life is my family.

My neighbor, Christina of, captured this moment while my daughter and her son were running around in the backyard being silly. It’s one of those moments that you can step back and look at (after you’ve yelled at them to be careful) and you realize, this is it. This is what matters. Those moments of pure joy that make the rest of the worries, pains, complaints, and everyday stressors just melt away. It is moments like these that make me think, I choose to be a better mother. I choose to drop all the have-to’s and to-do’s of the day and enjoy these little moments of pure joy when they pop up. I choose to on occasion put down what I feel like I need to do and spend some quality time with my kids…make them smile, or if I’m lucky a full blown belly aching giggle-fest. Maybe, just maybe, if I do this more often I will start to notice that there are more of these moments of pure, God-given joy than there are worries. Maybe.

So thank you Christina for having your camera in hand and capturing this moment. It’s a much better reminder than my mental picture. And, quite frankly, sometimes I need a concrete reminder of what this life is all about 🙂