Pure Joy!


It seems that every couple of months I have to remind myself of what is really important in this life…in this moment. For now, the most important thing in my life is my family.

My neighbor, Christina of www.beeskneesphotographync.com, captured this moment while my daughter and her son were running around in the backyard being silly. It’s one of those moments that you can step back and look at (after you’ve yelled at them to be careful) and you realize, this is it. This is what matters. Those moments of pure joy that make the rest of the worries, pains, complaints, and everyday stressors just melt away. It is moments like these that make me think, I choose to be a better mother. I choose to drop all the have-to’s and to-do’s of the day and enjoy these little moments of pure joy when they pop up. I choose to on occasion put down what I feel like I need to do and spend some quality time with my kids…make them smile, or if I’m lucky a full blown belly aching giggle-fest. Maybe, just maybe, if I do this more often I will start to notice that there are more of these moments of pure, God-given joy than there are worries. Maybe.

So thank you Christina for having your camera in hand and capturing this moment. It’s a much better reminder than my mental picture. And, quite frankly, sometimes I need a concrete reminder of what this life is all about 🙂